General information for students
Current semester course information
In Fall 2024, I am teaching
MATH 230 (Calculus 2),
MATH 416
(Stochastic Processes) and
MATH 417
(Exam P Prep).
My Spring 2025 office hours are MW 2-3 (in ASC 2050) and TR 9-10 (in ASC 2046), or by appointment (email me).
My office is ASC 2046.
Useful links for students
If you
want me to write a recommendation letter on your behalf,
please email me:
(1) a
transcript (unofficial is fine)
(2) a resume (or equivalent), and
(3) information on where and by when the letter needs to be submitted.
Please allow me two weeks to write the letter (preferably longer).
Useful information for my academic advisees can be found here.
If you might be interested in a math degree program, feel free to contact me.
You can chat with me during my office hours or email me.
I am interested in working with undergraduate students in independent study courses and on research projects.
For more information on my research interests and past student projects, click here.
If you are interested in an independent study or undergraduate research project, email me or stop by my office.